On 15-22 April, 2018 the International Council Meeting of law students will be held in Lviv. The independent law students’ association ELSA is organizing this event, which anticipates about 400 participants.

International Council Meeting (ICM) is one of the biggest international events for ELSA members. Professional trainings for representatives of local organizations are provided, and important decisions on further activity of all network ELSA are taken.

A lot of local ELSA organizations competed for the right to organize ICM. This year it was held in Prague, last year – in Porto, and next year it will be Lviv.

According to Pavlo Demchuk, the President of ELSA Lviv: “International Council Meeting is a step forward for every law student and for the hosting group ELSA Lviv. It is a chance for each to develop, gain experience and represent theirselves and their states”.

The event will certainly have a positive impact on the development of ELSA Lviv as well as on the whole city because of attracting a large amount of foreign law students.


The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profit organisation run by and for law students. ELSA-activities comprise a large variety of academic and professional events that are organised to fulfill the vision of ELSA.

ELSA is a unique and growing network of close to 40 000 young people from more than 350 universities in 43 countries across Europe and into Asia.