- 3 Halls
- 341м2 The area of all halls
- 100 people The largest hall
- 116м2 Square of the largest hall
- 25 Rooms
Hotel «Patriarshyi» is located 4 km from the bus station and 8 km from the railway station and Lviv airport in a cozy green area of Lviv. There are 25 rooms at your disposal, each of which promotes complete rest and active work. Soft carpets, comfortable mattresses, pillows, a comfortable work area with free WI-FI, a modern bathroom remind you of the warmth and comfort of your home. The qualified staff of hotel will make every effort to make every guest of the hotel feel surrounded by care and attention. Hotel «Patriarshyi» – a great place for business communication of various formats. Hotel has equipment such as conference system with two-channel synchronization for 28 people, speaker system, radio microphones, multimedia projectors, screens, flip charts, high-quality and fast internet for teleconferences or skype-conferences.